Government of India has mandated for PAN and Aadhaar linking for all PAN Card holders. The deadline for PAN and Aadhaar linkage has been specified as 31st March 2022 this time. The government has extended the deadline for linking several times before but looks like there will be no further extension of timelines beyond 31st March 2022. So, if you have not linked Aadhaar and PAN, you can do it right away. Linking PAN and Aadhaar is not at all difficult and all you need is 10 minutes to complete the task. For linking, just visit the official income tax department website Login to your account using your PAN and password. Post login, search for the page which allows PAN and Aadhaar linking. If you have not linked before, after your login to the website it will Pop-up for the linking site. Input you Aadhaar and confirm for the linking, it’s that simple.
If you do not link PAN-Aadhaar by the due date of 31st March 2022, your PAN will be invalid and you will have to pay penalty of Rs. 1,000/- for linking the same after the due date.
What is the benefit of PAN & Aadhaar linking?
- It has been made mandatory as a regulation from Government of India to reduce theft of tax. So, do not look at benefit as you have to comply with the regulation.
- Once you link PAN and Aadhaar, you can use Aadhaar authentication services for e-verification of your ITR. You can receive Aadhaar OTP on your Aadhaar linked mobile number and use the OTP for ITR e-verification at the comfort of your house/office.